

11 Mei, 2012


What do you think, if you hear a word networking? base of word network that connect one thing to the other thing. Introduce your self to the other same as you build the networking. You connect the computer to the other computer same as you build the networking. To inform something to other, just we can say networking. How about destroy your networking? That will be terrible of your life. We will need networking to bring our life in the social system.

The Secret of Trust

Maybe you will think, you can what you will do. Everything you do will be done if you have the trust of your self. That thing is casual statement to remembered. But that statement sometimes forgotten of your life in condition. The trust can be build for your self if you believe it. How about trust to other people? that is the problem. We can build the trust to other with a long of time to spend. To destroy the trust, we can get it just a few second. A trust of the other will be need to accompany in our day by day.

28 April, 2012

Adjective or Relative Clause

Di posting oleh Annaas Pamungkas
Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#

Adjective Clause is a dependent clause used adjective within a sentences to describe noun. Relative pronoun usually used to introduce an adjective clause. We can said Relative pronoun as a adjective clause mean clause used as an adjective to explain the noun or pronoun condition. Adjective clause usually begins with a Relative pronoun like which, that, who, whom, whose and a relative adverb like where, when, why.
Relative pronoun is a pronoun that introduces a relative clause. It is called relative pronoun cause it relates to the word or sentences that it modifies.

Relative Pronoun :
·     Which, replace nouns and pronouns that refer to animals or things. It cann't replace nouns and pronouns that refer to people. It can be the subject of a verb. It can also be the object of a verb or preposition.
·      That, replace nouns and pronouns that refer to people, animals or things. It can be the subject of a verb. It can also be the object of a verb or preposition.
·     Who, replace nouns and pronouns that refer to people. It cann't replace nouns and pronouns that refer to animals or things. It can be the subject of a verb.
·     Whom, replace nouns and pronouns that refer to people. It cannot replace nouns and pronouns that refer to animals or things. It can be the object of a verb or preposition. It cannot be the subject of a verb.
·        Whose, replace possessive forms of nouns and pronouns. It can refer to people, animals or things. It can be part of a subject or part of an object of a verb or preposition, but it cannot be a complete subject or object.
Relative Adverb :
  • When, replace a time like in+year, in+month, on+day. It cann't be a subject but it can be eliminated.
  • Where, replaces a places like in+area, in+city, at+school. It cann't be a subject but it can be eliminated. in a preposition like at, in, to usually must be added.
·    Why, replaces a reason for something to explain. Iit cann't be a subject but it can be eliminated.
* The relative adverb  
  • When can be replaced by in/on which 
  • Where can be replaced by in/at which 
  • Why can be replaced by for which

Example of adjective :
"Lazy boy", that is mean to explain the boy is lazy. One of function the adjective is to explain the noun belong to that adjective.

Example of adjective clause :
1.    - Andi has a motorcycle
       - It is look very old
Andi has a motorcycle which look is very old.
2.    - The car hit Doni
- The car has a blue colour
The car that hit Doni has a blue colour
3.    - My friend called me
- They stand in front of the door
The people who called me in front of the door are my friend
4.    -  My mother phoned me
- She ask about the news
The person whom phoned me to ask about the news is my mother
5.    - The driver out of car before accident
- The car has been destroyed
The car whose driver out of car before accident has been destroyed
6.    - My mother give me present
- This day is my birthday
My mother give me present when my birthday
7.    - The school is new
- My sister study in the school
The school where she study is new
8.    - He is always angry
- She leaves him
He is always angry why she leaves

Example a part of article containing the adjective clause (underline) :
Computers and Education in America
Computers do allow students to expand their learning beyond the classroom, but the distance learning is not a utopia. Some businesses, such as Hewlett Packard, do have mentoring programs with children in the schools, but those mentoring programs are not available to all students. Distance learning has always been a dream of administrators, eager to figure out a cheaper way to deliver education. They think that little Eva and Johnny are going to learn about Japanese culture or science or algebra in the evening when they could be talking with their friends on the phone or watching television. As education critic Neil Postman points out, these administrators are not imagining a new technology but a new kind of child: "In [the administrator's] vision, there is a confident and typical sense of unreality. Little Eva can't sleep, so she decides to learn a little algebra? Where does little Eva come from? Mars?" Only students from some distant planet would prefer to stick their nose in a computer rather than watch TV or go to school and be with their friends.
Their short attention spans, their unwillingness to explore subjects in depth, their poor reading and evaluation skills. Computers also tend to isolate students, to turn them into computer geeks who think cyberspace is actually real. Some students have found they have a serious and addictive case of "Webaholism," where they spend hours and hours on the computer at the expense of their family and friends. Unfortunately, computers tend to separate, not socialize students. Finally, we need to think about who has the most to gain or lose from computers in the schools. Are administrators getting more students "taught" for less money? Are big companies training a force of computer worker bees to run their businesses? Will corporate CEO's use technology to isolate and control their employees?
Like all cults, this one has the intention of enlisting mindless allegiance and acquiescence. People who have no clear idea of what they mean by information or why they should want so much of it are nonetheless prepared to believe that we live in an Information Age, which makes every computer around us what the relics of the True Cross were in the Age of Faith: emblems of salvation.
--Dudley Erskine Devlin--

Questions and Answers of the excercises :
Q 1. I talked to the woman she was sitting next to me
A 1. I talked to the woman who was sitting next to me 
Q 2. I have a class it begins at 08.00 Am
A 2. I have a class which begins at 08.00 Am
Q 3. The man called the police his car was stolen
A 3. The man whose car was stolen called the police
Q 4. The building is very old he lives there
A 4. The building where he lives is very old
Q 5. The woman was ms Silvy I saw her
A 5. The woman whom I saw was ms Silvy

Reference :                         $20

21 April, 2012

Dream of Modern Agriculture

       Talk about robot, that have been posted before this. There is some information about dream of project robot technology in Japan. They will build a modern agriculture with robot technology. If we remember event when earthquake and tsunami that occurred in Japan, we can imagine how ravaged the land in that country. Of course the agriculture in Japan must be renovation to fix that. The government in Japan especially the agriculture departement should work very hard to rebuild the agriculture in Japan. In that case, the agriculture department has plan to build a modern agriculture where the robots will work as a farmer. Robot will work as a farmer like plant the seed till harvest. The  used of tractor to plowing will work by it self without the crew. LED technology will use to defending against pests, whom can damage agricultural land. That project called as “Dream Project”. We can thoughtful that the country had been natural disasters will renovation with a modern technology, how about us that given fertile land.

Source of Information :

20 April, 2012

Depend on Robot


      Almost of our life is related to the robotic. Now, robot can replace of human duty in every where. How about the existence of human to get the job if almost company use a robot to finish the job. Especially in industry, that use the robotic to reduce an accident. The company doesn’t want to take a risk if the job can endanger of human. The robotic can make human get the laziness if they always depending of it. It is only to know when we can depend of robot and why we must depend on it. All back to our selves as a human being to control the life not the robot. So, we must use the wisdom to through the life.

Computer System

        Computer system, that words can explain what field of be. The word Computer refer to up to date of technology this century. All of technology based to the computer even though that watch you wear in tour hand. The word system based how the device is work that normally as function. Not only the personal computer must be know how to work, but all of the system that technology run. How to sharp the analysis must be implemented of the student to participated computer system. Networking, programming and control the robot will be learned at the computer system. Up date of technology will be appreciated whom study of computer system.

17 April, 2012

How Terrible Action of Motorcycle Gang

          Have you read the news about action of motorcycle gang in north jakarta and central jakarta? How terrible that. They attack not in their target but also random to attack everybody where they meet in the street. Until now the policemen still investigate the incidents. Usually in the night of jakarta is so quiet but now is horrible to drive a vehicle. There is an assumption, the motorcycle gang that attacked in north jakarta to revenge killed of their friends. But testimony of the victim said, the motorcycle gang is wrong target. One person killed and two people heavy injury as a victim from that attacked. They also attack in central jakarta and caused some people injury. So, from this information we must be careful in every where our position.